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The Gift

If you had no money how would you gift during the holidays? Would you know how to gift during the holidays?


Oftentimes people get caught up in buying the gifts: the expensive gifts, multiple gifts, or the perfect gift. No matter your style, are you caught up in buying the gift? When you buy the gift is it coming from you for them? Do you know the person for whom you are buying the gift well enough to know what would please them? Does your gift carry meaning for you? For example, does your gift have to be special so that you feel good enough when giving it.


We are bombarded by advertisements, marketing pitches, commercials, all telling us to buy buy buy. They even cater to the children so that the children will ask “Santa” to buy buy buy. Technology pushes for the latest and greatest so that we will buy buy buy. Is that what Christmas and the Holidays are about?


When we buy buy buy do we buy American? Do we buy from our immediate community? Do we support our neighbor? Or are we too worried about that perfect gift that we do not get creative enough to support those who support us? We have lost the idea of gift giving.


So, imagine you have no money. What would be your gift? It would be you. Do you know how you are the gift? Would you know what it is about you that you are gifting? Maybe it’s time,during this holiday season, to look within and know what it is that makes you such a magnificent gift!! Then, look across at the person to whom you are giving gifts and recognize in them that beautiful gift they are to you! Take the time to consciously recognize and appreciate the gift of the lives and people around you during this holiday season. If you live this holiday as if it is your entire life, you will know that the only gift that has meaning is the gift that is you.


Please share a story of a gift you have given or received that stands out to you!



  1. The best gift I ever received is my wife and stepdaughter. I am very fortunate.

    Comment by Dale Burger

  2. Other than the obvious gifts of family and time with them, it is always nice to gift a craft or teach them a craft that they will enjoy. Doing things for relatives or friends like helping with home repairs, doing snow removal, yard work, all are gifts of our time and energy to others so needed in this very busy season. A simple task of washing dishing, putting them away. So many gifts to give. Christmas Wreaths have been hand made by me for my daughters.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Comment by Cecil

  3. Great insightful post!!

    Comment by Karen —

  4. Best gifts are happy memories from the past that can bring you peace and the love of this season.

    Comment by Eugenia —

  5. One of my greatest gifts was finding my little kitties under my deck two years ago. 😀

    Comment by Holly —

  6. Dad turned 86 on 12/17. My sweetheart David, my son Sam and I flew to Nevada to celebrate with Mom and Dad. We arranged for my kid brother to come in and surprise Dad. Was he ever! It made it such a warm, joyous occasion. David and I returned to our cabin in the NC mountain about 30 minutes ago, to a broken heat pump and no lights. We have a fire in the fireplace, are munching on graham crackers since all the food in the fridge has spoiled – and have a lot of love to keep us warm. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Laura

    Comment by Laura —

  7. Too often we give gifts out of obligation rather than desire. The key, for me, is to listen to them talk about their wants, needs, and desires. Then you can find the “right gift”. I always do that with family. This year I did just that with my co-workers and Im really excited how my gifts will be received. That excitement is how I know I did a good job. It really is more fun to give than to receive.

    Comment by Bill Longstreth

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Kristen Bomas, PA
398 Camino Gardens Blvd., Suite 104
Boca Raton, Fl 33432


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