Kristen's Blog

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Common Ground

common ground connection through contrast duality in life embracing differences healing through understanding kristen bomas life challenges life guidance life lessons life mastery overcoming judgment personal growth perspective shift self mastery unity in diversity Feb 28, 2025
Two hands of different skin tones clasped together, symbolizing unity in diversity.

It’s not always possible to see eye to eye, but if the differences in others irritate or anger you, that’s a signal that there is a challenge within your life in need of healing.

Life teaches through a dualistic model: we know there’s an outside because there’s an inside; we know there’s an up because there’s a down. Notice the word "because." I didn’t say "in spite of" or "in opposition to." And yet, we often fall into the mindset that our views or beliefs must be in conflict with or opposed to others. What if, instead, we embraced the idea that life is about “because”rather than “conflict”? Seeing life as "because" helps us understand that our differences don’t divide us—they connect us. For example, I wouldn’t be seen as white if you weren’t seen as black, just as you wouldn’t be considered a Democrat if there weren’t Republicans. Our differences are what make us whole. It's through the variety of perspectives that we experience the fullness of life. Rather than fighting against differences, we should view them as part of a complete experience. As humans, we have the beautiful opportunity to see ourselves in each other. When we recognize the "because" that links us—our different, unique beliefs—we start to understand that these differences are essential in defining our individual selves.

By reframing differences as necessary for our own growth, we begin to remove judgment and embrace the idea that each of us is on our own journey, walking our own path. No one benefits from judgment or viewing differences through the lens of conflict. Instead, may we each focus on our own healing, which naturally leads to unity with all.

Thank you for reading and sharing this journey with me! If you’re looking to connect with like-minded individuals and share meaningful conversations, I invite you to join my community, “The Sage’s Circle”, on Facebook. Let’s build a space for connection, wisdom, and growth—be part of the conversation today!

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