Manifestation vs. Intuition: Understanding the Connection
Dec 18, 2024
It can be challenging to discern if you've manifested an experience or if you've simply tapped into an intuitive premonition. Can you tell the difference? In this blog, we'll explore that very question.
A premonition offers a glimpse of what might unfold if you stay on your current path, while manifestation is the act of creating that path, whether it's ongoing or new. Think of premonitions as signs, and manifestation as the choice to follow those signs or to create something entirely different. For example, I was once driving on Interstate 95 when a motorcyclist raced past between my car and another. My friend in the car with me suddenly muttered, "Body bag." Just a few miles up the road, we saw the motorcyclist lying on the shoulder, and my friend panicked, thinking she had manifested the accident. But I helped her understand that what she had experienced was a premonition, a spontaneous vision of what was to come. She hadn't created or wished for the event; she'd simply been open to a glimpse of what was to be.
Premonitions are often quick, one-time visions, while manifestation allows a vision to unfold gradually over time. For example, a close friend of mine had a vision of himself as an attorney
when he was iuet a boy n
when he was just a boy, not even knowing what an attorney was. Later, he saw a television show that featured an attorney, and he realized that this was his calling. He then began actively manifesting that initial vision and eventually became a successful attorney.
Sometimes, a premonition might bring a brief flash of an image or thought that passes quickly.
Picture this: I might be tidying up around the house and have a sudden thought of my high school best friend. Later that evening, I receive a message from her saying she'll be in town and wants to meet. We hadn't been in touch for over 15 years! These kinds of premonitions often bring an awareness of someone or something significant. Occasionally, they're a calling forth, a presence to take note of in that moment.
A premonition may also come in the form of a presence. Recently, I kept having recurring visions and memories of Pedro, one of my dogs who had passed away a few months earlier.
The following week, his brother, Magoo, passed away. I understood then that Pedro had been coming through to accompany Magoo to the other side. There was no manifestation in that vision; it was simply a gentle awareness.
As you can see, premonitions arise spontaneously, while manifestation involves consistently allowing the vision to expand. When you are manifesting a dream or vision, you want the image to be rich in detail, vivid in feeling, movement, and clarity. Manifestation is about envisioning your dream in a way that feels real in the present moment, and it takes intention to hold and nurture that vision over time.
Manifestation is a steady, ongoing exchange of energy between you and the boundless realm beyond, actively shaping your future. For example, if you're consistently worried about not having enough money, that underlying fear (whether conscious or hidden) may lead to ongoing financial struggles, as this energy of lack manifests itself in your life. On the other hand, if you're manifesting a new room in your home, and you walk through your house each day _feeling_ _seeing_ that new room, experiencing it as if it already exists, then eventually that room will become a reality.
In a premonition, you may not see the surrounding details or have the full context, while manifestation typically involves a clearer understanding of both. A premonition gives a snapshot of what may be, but when you manifest, you shape the context, the steps leading up to it, and often feel a sense of control. Premonitions reveal what_is_, while manifestation allows you to choose_what will be_.
Another essential dimension to understand is the energetic realm, where concepts like time and space dissolve. In the energy field, everything is interconnected and immediate; there is no past or future, no separation by distance. When you experience a premonition, you are briefly connecting to that unified source of energy, seeing something "here" that may occur "there" in what we perceive as the future. Manifestation, on the other hand, is the act of consciously holding space for the creation to take form.
Manifestation is also deeply tied to the Law of Attraction, which states that what you put out into the world comes back to you. The Law of Attraction is a natural principle that has always existed. Life operates in cycles, returning what we project. Manifestation is your act of creating
within this law, and it can be conscious or unconscious; whether they are your deepest fears or greatest joys, your creations come back to you.
To conclude, manifestation is the conscious creation of a vision, whereas a premonition is a snapshot that may relate to your life or to someone else's. Because of the interconnectedness of all things and the Law of Attraction, you may have a premonition of something you're working on manifesting or an insight into an event separate from yourself. A premonition can be a glimpse that aligns with your path or can stand alone, detached from your intentions. If a premonition involves another person, it remains only a premonition-you cannot manifest in another's life without their free will. When you have a premonition, especially one involving someone else, it is just that—a vision, a glimpse, a knowing. Only you hold the power to choose whether you will manifest your premonition or forge a new direction altogether.
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